Away With It! Or Is It Art?

Mia Hochrein Portrait

Keepsake culture done differently - Workshop with Mia Hochrein

Friday, 24th until Sunday, 26nd of August 2018
Friday 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Saturday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Students: min. 4, max. 8

Fees: 180.- €
Additional costs: spacer frames according to size



Some things laying around at home are difficult to throw away, because they are connected with memories of the past. Where to put them?

In this workshop we will work as artists to integrate these objects into our everyday lives with a wink and a grin.

Over three days, we will produce spacer frames and handmade books/albums.

Fabrics, handkerchiefs, curtains, old articles of clothing, bits of wallpaper, knick-knacks, photos, tickets, letters, all kinds of paper, and old frames are only a few examples of the materials that you can bring.

Registration is by phone or e-mail and is mandatory because of the limited number of participants. The course fees are payable in advance, please transfer to following account

Mia Hochrein  Bank  IBAN DE... ... ...

Mia Hochrein
Bauerngasse 23
97702 Muennerstadt
Tel.: +49 9733 33 35
Mobil: +49 160 98 57 12 91

